Terms and Conditions

  1. All membership packages and membership fees are inclusive of GST.
  2. Subject to paragraph 3 below, all membership packages and membership fees are non-refundable (and subject to paragraph 7 below), are not transferable.
  3. In a Membership package and Individual Memberships, “Voting Members” are Ordinary Members under the Club’s Constitution.
  4. In Family Membership packages “dependent children” means the children or a child of the voting member who qualify as Student Members or Junior Members under the Club’s Constitution. (Students are defined as full time students of a recognised Educational Institution, School, College, or University and are not engaged in earning income other than through part time work.)
  5. Foundation Lifetime Family Membership packages are available for the applicant to also include the spouse or de facto of the applicant, any child, or the spouse of the child of the applicant and any grandchild of the applicant, and such other persons as may be approved by the Board, in accordance with the Club’s Constitution.

Any person who currently is not a family member but who qualifies as a family member within 3 years of the Club opening can be part of this membership package.  After 3 years, the Board can at its discretion extend such ability to qualify as a family member and at such cost as the Board may determine. All persons nominated must individually apply for and be admitted to membership of the Club in the appropriate category of membership.

6. Foundation Lifetime Individual Membership:
An individual who is 60 years of age or older, applying to become a Foundation Lifetime Individual Member (hereinafter referred to as the "original applicant"), is limited to a single nomination of another individual (hereinafter referred to as the "nominee") for the purpose of transferring the lifetime membership benefits.
Provided that:
(a) the nominee is, or becomes, a full member (as defined in the Registered Clubs Act 1976) of the Club, subject to paragraph (c) below.
(b) the original applicant who nominated the nominee ceases to be a member of the Club.
(c) The nominee may apply to transfer to Foundation Lifetime Individual Membership in lieu of the original applicant and thereby become entitled to the benefits of the Foundation Lifetime Individual Membership.
(d) The Club's Board reserves the right to reject any application by the nominee for membership of the Club (refer to paragraph 13).
 The original applicant is permitted to make a single nomination of another individual (the nominee) to be a Foundation Lifetime Member in the event of the original applicant's death.
Provided that:
(a) the nominee is, or becomes, a full member (as defined in the Registered Clubs Act) of the Club, subject to paragraph (c) below.
(b) the original applicant who nominated the nominee passes away
(c) In such a case, the nominee may apply to be a Foundation Lifetime Individual Member in lieu of the original applicant and thereby become entitled to the benefits of Foundation Lifetime Individual Membership
(d) The Club's Board retains the authority to reject any application by the nominee for membership of the Club (refer to paragraph 13).
  1. For the purposes of subscription concessions for Pensioners, “Pensioner” means either a person in receipt of an age pension or a disability pension from the Commonwealth Government.
  1. All membership packages and memberships exclude use of the tennis courts, which are separately owned and operated by Sydney Maccabi Tennis Club.
  2. Discounts:
a) Foundation Lifetime, Foundation 10 and Foundation Lifetime 3 Category Members shall receive a 25% discount for the gym. Foundation Lifetime gym discount will be capped at 10 years. Discounts applicable for other services will be advised prior to the opening of the new Club and will be at a level which will allow regular attendees to obtain full value for their membership.
b) Discounts for all other membership classes will be advised prior to opening of the Club. Discounts will not apply for the gym, but the other discounts will be at a level which will allow regular attendees to obtain full value for their membership. 
  1. All memberships will commence from the first day of the month following the opening of the new Club. 
  1. Persons under the age of 18 years will only be permitted in areas of the licensed premises of the Club that are designated as non-restricted areas under the Club’s club license and must be accompanied by a responsible adult in the licensed premises of the Club.
  1. The Club’s Board may reject any application for membership of the club without assigning any reason for such rejection, no applicant shall be rejected or discriminated against for membership of the Club on the grounds of their race, sex, religion, marital status, or physical or intellectual impairment or on any other ground prohibited by the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977.